Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Day at the Spit

July 12th
It was a slow awakening for me this a.m., after the chocolate cake high and speed kept me goin'
til after midnight. Not too long after getting under the covers, I thought I may be hearing a bear,
made a comment, wakening Mark, peeked out under the shades to see the same mama moose
and her two twins right outside "M" and moving into the woods. We perked-up with a breakfast
of thinner slices of choco cake, yogurt to appease the protein need, and decaf; afterall,
chocolate cake is not too different from chocolate donuts, eh? It is a rainy day, which the locals
appreciate, after so little moisture and low snow winter.
The Bocheneks' van left early to meet their friends coming in on the ferry from Kodiak, whom
they were to meet at Two Sisters for breakfast and then run all their kids on the beach, before
the pals' drive back to Anchorage. Lael came by to say bye, on his way to meet the group, stop
by to see his mom Vicky, and head home to Seward. We will probably head his way on
Thursday, hoping to stay by the water, see his home and studio of fine furniture making, and
take the boat quest for marine life. From there, we'll head down via the Cassiar Hwy. and the
Top of the World Hwy., as well.
Mark and I drove to the spit, walked through the shops, he buying Christmas gifts, and me
getting a lovely piece of pottery for a wedding gift and a print for my watch-dog neighbors.
Lunched at Two Sisters, with great soup with lots of veggies, lemon square, turkey foccacio
sandwich; enjoyed the Bunnell Gallery, Lyra had recommended, with nicely selected pieces of
ceramicists, jewelers, painters and wood-workers. Ulmer's Hardware was Mark's highlight, and
also Vicky's favorite, a multi-diversity inventory of assorted goods.
Got back for a nap before we watched and played with 6 y.o. Amelia, while 9 y.o. Greta was
dropped off at Granny Vicky's, so Lyra and Rob could have a date. Later tonight, the young
family, Mark and I swung and pushed the girls on the two wonderful swings on Jane and Bill's
park home: a giant orange buoy and long-roped rubber one. They did a beach walk, while Mark
and I separated and strolled along the future bike path.
Tomorrow, my b'day gift from the God-Family is a kayak tour, minus Mark (due to his shoulder
issues). He will take-off for a few days to fish, photograph, play, so that Vick and I can get solo
time, which he anticipated us wanting, and offered this before the trip began. Great to have an
understanding and sensitive guy. I am open to rain or sun, and have my rain gear, including
pants, neoprene socks and gloves. It will feel freeing being on the water, since I've missed my
summer kayaking at home this year, somewhat; although the trade-off is this trip of a lifetime to
Alaska and through Canada.
Loving the quiet rhythms of the rain on the roof, coupled with our bay views in dusk light.

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