Saturday, July 11, 2015

Trailer Lights Repair

June 5th

Drove into Fort St. John, where Mark found wires he needed at the one-stop-shopping  Canadian Tires. He loves this store and I see why, with it's technical, auto, trailer stuff, and housewares supplies, reminding me of a large ACE Hardware. It was a comfort for him to repair the trailer lights in the parking lot, in case he needed anything else. He is so organized and thorough, bringing out his body-long taped together length of cardboard to lay on, while he reclined and made the lights work! Yay...we both felt so much more secure, now being able to notify those behind motorists of our direction. Lunched at Quizno's for Mark's reward.

Beautiful drive through this BC, with valleys of the deepest blankets of forest, and majestic mountains and unique peaks, with dubbings of Steamboat, Indian Head. We stayed on a turnout overlooking the valley, sharing it at a respectful distance, with a couple, their RV, and 2 cats in a tent, named Bear and Bait. Had BBQ'd salmon burgers outside that gorgeous evening.

Watched Lone Ranger that night, still mesmerized by that masked childhood hero, and laughing too, simultaneously at how poor Tonto was given such a rip-off script of one or two syllabled English words, and the Ranger climbing with those high-heeled boots, with a dummy falling past him.

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