Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mark's Deep Creek Adventure

Mark July 16
I (Mark) went to Deep Creek for a few days so Mona and Vickie could have some "Girl Time" together.  It's been a lot of fun watching the two of them the last few days.  Every once in a while they revert to being adolescent girls again.  And with me gone they could spent time talking and doing girlie things without a guy hanging around.
Deep Creek is another one of my favorite little spots in Alaska.  You can camp right on the beach.  The big draw for me is the eagles that like to hang around there and pick up the halibut scraps left by the charter fishing people down the beach.  Here's just a few of the pictures I took.

It was amazing how the yearling eagle just sat there and let me take pictures of him.  I got well within 50 feet and he didn't budge.  And then there was the eagle protecting his salmon from the seagulls.

Finally he got tired of the whole thing and just flew off with his fish.  You could just hear the seagull saying "Dang!"
I've had the View motorhome for several years now.  The View motorhomes are built on a Mercedes Sprinter chassis.   There are several user group websites with all kinds of interest facts things dealing with the motorhome and their owners.  Two of the sites, Sprinting Singles and Views to Alaska are ran by a lady from Des Moines Iowa names Mary.  Mary also is an amateur radio operator and we have emailed and texted each other several times over the past few years.

 Mary also has been traveling around Alaska this year with two of her friends, Brenda and Wanda, who also have RV's and are from Des Moines.  Turns out one night they had posted that they were camped just down the road from Deep Creek and Clam Gulch and were heading to Homer.  I replied they should stop at Deep Creek but figured they were too far past already.  To my surprise and delight they stopped and spent the night.  What fun meeting the three of them.  It was especially nice to finally meet Mary. 
I also met up with them again on the Homer spit for a few minutes while riding my bicycle.  By looking at the BBQ you can tell they travel in style!

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